
Minhajis propoganda against Dawat e Islami 2015

Dawat e Islami the most religious, peaceful and Non Political organization of Pakistan has given a fatwa against Dr Tahir ul Qadri on his Non Islamic and blasphemous beliefs which is Available here. Due to such fatwas, the lies of Minhaji’s were exposed and there Non Islamic sayings and to cover there lies now Minhajis are using fake photo-shopped pictures in which they are trying to show that Molana Ilyas Qadri (Head of Dawat e Islami) is busy in discussion with Dr Tahir ul Qadri and looks happy. This picture is fake and we have attached the original and the fake one together below. We just want to make sure people do not get astray because of the Minhaji propoganda.


Minhajis propoganda against Dawat e Islami 2015

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