Jadu k 5 ilaj Quran se | Ways to cure Black Magic
English Version of Jadu k 5 ilaj quran se: There are several ways to cure black magic from quran and we are sharing 5 ways with verses of Quran. These are taken from different Ahadees and were Amaal – recitations of Sufis and work really well. English version of the picture is below.
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Urdu Jadu k 5 Ilaj Quran Se

Cure 1
Ibn e Abi Hatim quoted from Hazrat Lais RadiAllaho anho who said that i received this sayings that any one who recites the following and Dham – Blow them on water and pours water over the one who is infected with magic, also gives him to drink than Allah will cure his magic.
Verse no 81 to 82 from Sura Younas which is Sura no.10.
Verses no 118 to 121 from Sura Al Araaf which is Sura no.07.
Verses no 69 from Sura Taa Haa which is Sura no.20.
Cure 2
Sura Taa Haa (3 times) + Sura Sabaa (10 times)
Read and do dham on water and give to the infected one.
Cure 3
Sura Yaseen (1 time) + Ayat ul Kursi (5 times) + Last 4 Quls (5 times) after Fajar Prayer and dham – Blow after recitation on the patient. Do this for 41 days without a break.
Cure 4
Sura Falaq + Sura Naas 33 times in the morning and 33 times in evening and blow it on four sides.
This is specially for those who are disturbed by Moakals – Jins who are sent by magicians.
Cure 5
Ayat ul Kursi (3 times) + 4 Quls (3 times) in the morning and evening. Dham – Blow air on the patient.
After cures of magic, extra paragraph is cure of bad sight which we will share in another post. If you have questions feel free to contact us.
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