Hadees Books in English Software
This setup installs Hadees Books in English Software on your PC.

This is one of the best software of Hadees Shareef in English.
It contains 6 Hadees books which are mentioned below
1. Sahih Bukhari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Maliks Muwatta
4. Abu Daud
5. Fiqh Us Sunnah
6. Some Extras
System Requirements
It has been tested on Windows XP, Vista,7 and 8 but not on Latest Windows 10. If you find any errors in it please let us know.
How to Install
1. Download the Software file of 2 mb only.
Click here to Download
2. Now Download and choose the plugins which actually are database of the Hadith books. Just open them and click Install. After that just open the software and open the Database you want to read from Option => Select Plugin Database. Or you can choose the short-key F11 to open the part to select database.
Download Sahih Bukhari
Download Sahih Muslim
Download Maliks Muwatta
Download Abu Daud
Download Fiqh Us Sunnah
Download Some Extras
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